Milliband’s father

As you know, I like to keep things simple; strip them back to their core essentials, principally so that I can understand them better. Let’s have a go with this DM thinggy, which the left has gloriously got its teeth into in a frenzy of self-righteous and bile-dripping vituperation.


a) Milliband’s father was a hard-line Marxist.

b) Marxists hate democracy, as it prevents them from exercising the total control of the people that is clearly good for the latter.

c) The British like democracy, badly flawed though its voting system is.

CONCLUSION 1: The father detested one of the fundamental aspects of Britain, our freedom. The DM seems to have gone too far in claiming that he “hated Britain”, but he certainly hated one of Britain’s fundamental freedoms. Had Stalin managed to invade Europe before the Yanks, we would no doubt have found out the exact extent of Milliband Senior’s commitment to our country. Sadly, those nasty, capitalist Yanks prevented Stalin from overrunning Europe – WHAT A SHAME!


a) Milliband is always referring to his parents and upbringing. (This is – one is tempted to suppose – a deliberate ploy urged on him by his PR people to make him seem less like an alien.)

b) He has therefore brought his father and his beliefs into the public domain.

c) It is therefore quite legitimate to refer to his father’s beliefs. After all, left-wing ranters are always bringing up the parentage of the so-called Bullingdon mob.

CONCLUSION 2: the left-wing reaction is hysterical and unjustified – WHAT A SURPRISE!

As for “He fought for Britain.”, this is pretty poor stuff. We ALL supported humungous mass-murderer Stalin (and many of our sailors died horrible deaths on Arctic conveys bringing food and supplies to Stalin) because Hitler was even worse (though actually NOT in terms of sheer numbers killed.) One is quite entitled to suppose that Milliband Senior “fought for Britain” because Britain was on the side of the communist paradise of the USSR, not through any particular love of Britain, whose political system he hated.

And in all these things one is entitled to ask the lovers of “socialism” why they do not en masse decamp to a socialist country such as Cuba, where they could join in with the happy Cubans. Of course, it is much more comfortable in Britain. Here you can hope to live in a posh house in Hampstead and never actually do a proper job in your life, just go straight into politics and do all the following at  public expense; tell people what is good for them, make loads of speeches, give loads of interviews, think up new taxes, blindly obey your idiot leader and collect your public money and expenses. Living like a pleb in Cuba doesn’t really compare, does it?

But you have to admire these people’s great personal sacrifice in putting up with the awfulness of bourgeois Britain and suffering their champagne socialist lifestyle in Hampstead JUST for OUR sakes! To help US live better! Isn’t it wonderful? They could be living a life of happy poverty in Cuba but choose instead to suffer the horrors of capitalist, bourgeois Britain. What amazing solidarity with the downtrodden proletariate! No wonder people love Ed.

Why don’t the Germans tell the EU to sod off?

It is the WW guilt, upon which France is only too keen to play. It’s very subtle, however, in contrast to those Greeks who – having sucked from a German teat for years – now accuse them of being Nazis for putting on the brake and demanding – WHAT NERVE – that Greeks pay their debts.

BUT – if Germany ever gets over the wars, then it’s a different ball game. The “Germans” are great people and there is no danger whatsoever of history being repeated (The UK could ALSO have had its own Hitler in different conditions.), but they might at some stage simply refuse to let themselves be milked. After all, ALL THOSE GUILTY ARE LONG DEAD.

Germans have now been NET contributors to “Europe” for DECADES. HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of German marks and euros have gone to pay for the EU, French farmers, infrastructure in Southern Europe etc. They didn’t HAVE to do this. They did it because of A) guilt and B) a genuine neighbourliness, especially that of the strong for its weaker brothers.

BUT – someone somewhere ALWAYS takes generosity for granted and abuses it. The Germans are getting close to the point where their largesse is being abused. The unelected Trotskyist Boringoso demands “eurobonds”. This is code for: “Let the Germans take on all the debt.”

Sorry Fatso, WHY THE HELL SHOULD THEY. YOU racked up the debt. YOU lived wildly beyond your means. “We will help, but UP TO A POINT.”

As for the usual analysis of why Germany went along with the creation of the eurozone, I believe it to be wrong. The Germans were quite happy with the DM. They did VERY WELL with the DM. It increased in value year-on-year because of the quality of their economy and goods. They did not want to give up the DM, but were persuaded to so so by others who played the “If you don’t, then you are un-European; you haven’t REALLY changed.” card. And the Germans were PROMISED that this shambles WOULD NOT HAPPEN. It was the ONLY way they could be persuaded to give up the DM.

This stuff about Germany needing the euro is utter rubbish. Do you remember Germany struggling BEFORE the euro? I don’t. It’s more EU-fanatic psychops – or if you prefer in layman’s language, lying bollocks from the EU Propaganda Office, of which Goebbels himself would have been proud.