Johnson is not alone in being laughed at and indeed despised. Macron is nasty, childish, petty and generally ridiculous and intensely disliked by millions of his people. The Germans are soggy, wokeishly Green, in hock to Russia and China even more than us. Biden is a laughing stock and the USA in freefall socially and economically with THIRTY TRILLION DOLLARS national debt now and looters simply walking into stores in LA and NYC and walking out loaded with stolen goods. Trudeau is recognized by millions as an idiot, too. But despite Johnson and his cretinous peers there is a lot of inward investment in Britain. We are still the world’s 5th or 6th largest economy punching WAY above our numbers and with numerous trade deals done or being done. Our economy is predicted to outperform the EU in the next couple of years. THAT IS THANKS TO BRITAIN’S ENTREPRENEURS AND WORKERS; NOT JOHNSON AND HIS PPP RABBLE. (Porky Pie Party aka Tories).

The EU? BREXIT is a farce. FIVE AND A HALF YEARS after the referendum we are STILL not really out. GIANT SUPERTRAWLERS hoover up thousands of tons of OUR fish; France gloats that it has 95% of the fishing licences it asked for. The euro problem is not going away, with Club Med still failing economically. Europe is (thanks largely to the EU) weaker economically, politically and socially than at any time since I left school in 1966. Putin has managed to split NATO. The Chinese seem hell bent on invading Taiwan, a peaceful, prosperous and democratic country which is a danger to NOBODY. We should have recognized Taiwan decades ago, not fed the Chinese crocodile hoping to appease it. You cannot appease dictators. They rightly see that as weakness. Even now athletes of the free world are competing in the OG in Beijing, capital of the world’s largest and second nastiest dictatorship after North Korea, which CHINA spawned and protects and which is led by a totalitarian psychopath armed with hypersonic missiles with H-bombs capable of landing one on Tokyo in 15 minutes. China has committed multiple Crimes Against Humanity, including in Tibet and Xinjiang, and yet we continue to enrich it through trade. It still sits in the UN, even as it spits on The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Not a single athlete or country has boycotted the OG, but this is CONNIVANCE and COMPLICITY in China’s crimes, the biggest of which is actually having enabled the totalitarian psychopath Kim Yong-un in NK to acquire nuclear weapons. Suppose this hideous sub-human gets terminal cancer? What the FUCK is to stop him launching a suicide attack on someone? ME for example (and THIRTY MILLION OTHERS in the metropolitan area of Tokyo) only 750km and 5 minutes flight away. OR the TEN MILLION PEOPLE in the fantastically-beautiful city of Seoul.

South Korea? You’d think that anyone with half a brain cell would look at South Korea, a free, democratic, prosperous and peaceful nation SAVED BY THE USA and then at NORTH KOREA (which is practically a concentration camp) savednurtured and supplied by CHINA and draw some other conclusion than that the USA is the source of all evil. But no, the “liberal” left hates the USA, rejoices that the people of Afghanistan are once again plunged into barbarism and abject poverty, loves hideous ISLAM (and depends on its votes) and defends woke lunatics – and yet MILLIONS VOTE FOR IT. You really, really could not make it up.

OH, nearly forgot – China is threatening to launch WWIII by invading peaceful, free and democratic Taiwan which IT HAS NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER TO RULE. Mainland China is in fact ruled by the CCP, which is no more than a bunch of mafiosi thugs with NO DEMOCRATIC LEGITIMACY WHATSOEVER. Democracies should not even RECOGNIZE dictatorships, whose people have NO SAY IN HOW THEY ARE GOVERNED. China is VAST. You’d think they could devote their energies to the welfare of their own people without threatening a small, peaceful island. But no, they have to bully the world into not recognizing Taiwan – and the world caves in to them – often bribed with China’s money earned from US to turn a blind eye to its nastiness. I HATE bullies. I hated them at school and I hate them now, but the “free world ” (HA, HA) lets them get away with it. Even worse, it ENRICHES them and FAWNS to them.

The West is feckless, soggy, greedy, short-sighted and generally pathetic. Wokeism? BEYOND BELIEF. The men who died to save the world from fascism in WWII must be turning in their graves in Normandy and all the way to Berlin. Biden is a symbol of its decline – which could well be terminal, though to be fair he has made some encouraging noises about defending Ukraine and Taiwan, but are they any more than noises?

Those born in the middle of the last century lived our best years in a golden age of peace, but that is coming to an end and the next war could well wipe out Mankind completely except for a few starving and warring neo-Stone-Age grouplets in distant jungles or polar regions. And not many animals on the planet will regret our extinction – people’s pet dogs perhaps (if any survive), but that’s it.

You do know that Putin has a SINGLE BOMB (The SATAN BOMB) that could destroy the whole of England and could deliver it in less than an hour? Do people KNOW this? Do they CARE? No, we are obsessed with wokery and “diversity” BS. WHERE ARE THE PROTESTS OUTSIDE THE CHINESE AND RUSSIAN EMBASSIES? Nowhere – they are too busy tearing down statues of people long dead. We are collectively pathetic beyond belief. Any visiting alien would look at Homo Sapiens, conclude that we do not deserve to survive and put us out of our misery – and we would deserve it. I am ashamed of my species. The good people are too nice and have allowed the bad to gain ascendency. Show a bit of old-fashioned grit and toughness and you get called fascist, racist , “right-wing” or God knows what. Just look at ISLAM, spawned by a narcissisitic, delusional, pedophile, homophobic, misogynist, anti-Semitic, animal-hating, slave-owning and mass-murdering psychopath whom Muslims worship beyond measure. NO ISLAMIC STATE RESPECTS The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet if you criticize ISLAM you get called “racist” – and BY “LIBERALS”. Beyond belief.

My entire life I have longed for an end to dictatorships, which are contrary to The Human Spirit as well as The Universal Declaration of Hman Rights. But China, Russia, Cuba and all the ISLAMIC paradises such as Pakistan, Turkey and Iran thrive – while Muslims are gradually outbreeding us and taking over Europe while “liberals” in COMPLETE DENIAL complain about “ISLAMOPHOBIA”. BEYOND BELIEF

God, your experiment has failed, please put an end to it.

Letters to the PM – Squatters

23 September 2010

Dear Mr Cameron

Goodness knows you have enough on your plate and I know you are trying to put right some of the lunacy of the previous shambles calling itself a government. However, I read something this morning which is almost unbelievable but is in fact just one more example of the utter mess which is much of the law.

It seems that while people are on holiday, gangs of foreigners break into and take over their house, get squatters in and declare “squatters’” rights. The police cannot act and the returning holidaymakers cannot get back into their house without going to law, which – as we know – can be a costly and length process.

This is just insane, unfair, wrong and plain stupid and unnecessary. “A man’s home is his castle” is just a joke.  There MUST be a way to fix this problem without recourse to law. It should be sufficient to show the police a copy of the deeds for them to A) get the people out B) lock them up till they have paid for damage and C) permanently exile them from Britain. Why is not EVERY case of breaking into a house a CRIMINAL matter?

I have to say that much of the law is a sick joke and does more to protect victims than culprits. I hope you can deal with this promptly. I really can’t feel proud of my country with such nonsense going on. And HONEST, DECENT people are having their lives ruined.

Yours sincerely