The EU’s Crime Against the Peoples of Europe

Germany must accept higher inflation or large parts of the eurozone could be sucked into a deflationary spiral, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has warned.

This appeared in an article in the DT today, and my reaction in the blog there was as shown below:


I live in Germany and why the HELL should I have to accept higher sodding inflation to get Europe’s moronic leadership out of a fix with its fraudulent euro?



“History tells you that monetary unions that survive are those that eventually evolve into poltical unions, otherwise they break up.”

That is EXACTLY what the founders of the euro KNEW, and they launched the euro DELIBERATELY knowing it would fail and that this would then push Germany into this decision. It was an utterly shamful act of Machiavellian and totally undemocratic fraud – indeed, a CRIME against the people of Europe, who had NO SAY in the matter, and when they DID say “NO”, had the decision taken away from them.

This is ALL designed to force European nations into a giant superstate, for which NOT ONE SINGLE CITIZEN OF EUROPE HAS VOTED – NOT ONE. I find this absolutely staggering, and it is the reason why I refer to the EU as “quasi-fascist”, since one of the key elements of fascism is an arrogant elite with too much power deciding what is good for “their”citizens and putting it into place without any kind of popular mandate.

Where this will all end, nobody knows, but it is shameful, and equally shameful is the attitude OF the shameful, who label ANYONE protesting about this as “populist” or “far right”, or in Cameron’s case “swivel-eyed loons”. Actually, Mr Cameron, it is we “swivel-eyed loons” who are doing our best to save Europe from your stupendous arrogance.

Zealots, Lies and Democracy

Jean Monnet, the founding father of the European Union, had a very particular vision of Europe’s future back in 1952, and he expressed it in a letter to a colleague on 30th April that year:

“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.”

Barroso and van Rompo are Monnet’s soulmates. On May 6th 20123 the former said:

“A fully fledged federal Europe may seem like “political science fiction” today but will soon become reality for all European Union countries whether inside or outside the euro.”

This despite the fact that not ONE SINGLE European citizen has voted for this. For this reason ALONE, we should get out of the EU, which has turned into a quasi-fascist organisation.

Too strong a word? Really. See removal of the democratic PM of Greece by the EU, the troika and Merkozy to replace him with an ex ECB and Goldman-Sachs crony like some sort of Nazi Gauleiter. Papandreou’s crime? To propose giving his people a referendum on the euro.

For this disgusting and anti-democratic act ALONE we should get out of the EU.